civil engineering

[ˈsivl ˌendʒiˈniəriŋ]
  • 释义
  • 土木工程;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Bridge design is probably the hardest brain work in civil engineering.


  • 2、

    The Channel Tunnel project is the biggest civil engineering project in Europe.


  • 3、

    Civil engineering structure design and technical consultation.


  • 4、

    Students in university, grade one to four, learning civil engineering or construction management.


  • 5、

    Course systems for undergraduate students of civil engineering in foreign countries have their relative rationality.


  • 6、

    This is particularly true for civil engineering or building structures.


  • 7、

    The Civil Engineering Department provides public fill outlets for inert construction waste disposal.


  • 8、

    Technology of soil solidification in civil engineering is always given to attention long time.


  • 9、

    Use: construction, civil engineering, electrical, mechanical equipment installation works.

    用途: 建筑工程, 土木工程, 电气 、 机械设备安装工程.

  • 10、

    College and above degree, major in civil engineering preferable.

    大专及以上学历, 土木工程专业优先.

  • 11、

    Construction project management is an important specialists course of civil engineering major.


  • 12、

    Diploma or degree in civil engineering or mechanical engineering, preferably major in structure.

    工民建或机械工程专业本科以上学历, 主修结构设计优先考虑.

  • 13、

    In civil engineering, slope stabilization is a important problem.

    在土木工程中, 土坡稳定分析是个十分重要的问题.

  • 14、

    MARC can be well used for ultimate analysis in civil engineering.

    MARC具有 优异的非线性计算能力,可以作为土木工程极限分析的有力工具.

  • 15、

    Detection means of advanced electrical equipment, thermal, metals, civil engineering laboratory.

    装备了检测手段先进的电气 、 热工 、 金属 、 土建试验室.

  • 16、

    Shotcrete is a common reinforcing measure in civil engineering.


  • 17、

    In 1997, the Civil Engineering Department completed the Sok Kwu Wan pier and Gemini Point pier.

    年内, 土木工程署完成了索罟湾码头和双仙角码头的建筑工程.

  • 18、

    How to carry out insurance and claim civil engineering.


  • 19、

    Registered Singapore BCA Contractor A 1 ( Unlimited ) for Civil Engineering, Building & Marine Works.

    新加坡建设局注册 A1 级无限额土木, 建筑 及 海事工程.

  • 20、

    The processed material through polarizing and ageing can be used for preparing civil engineering sensors.


  • 21、

    Mechanics of materials is an important basic course of Civil Engineering.


  • 22、

    Widely used in machinery, civil engineering, heavy industry operations, contact oily workbooks.

    广泛适用于机械制造 、 土木工程 、 重工业作业 、 接触油性作业等.

  • 23、

    The Civil Engineering Department is also responsible for maintaining public marine facilities.


  • 24、

    I mean supply of the equipment, civil engineering work ? the lot.

    我是说提供设备 、 土建工程及其他一切.

  • 25、

    Unsaturated steep slopes are common geotechnical problems in these civil engineering, in which landslides often occur.

    非饱和土高边坡在这些工程中极为常见, 滑坡是这些工程最常见的灾害.

  • 26、

    Great opportunity for civil engineering graduate student in the area of environment.


    ——超越目标英语 第4册
  • 27、

    After his graduation he returned and obtained the degree of civil engineering.


  • 28、

    The Yangtse Bridge is a great triumph of modern civil engineering.


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